Model questions for IPO Examination Based on Financial Hand Book Part I
Q1 From ----------- the accounts work relating to the postal branch of the P& T department
was separated from P& T audit
a. 01.04.1977 b.01.04.1976 c. 01.08.1980
Q2 The bifurcation of Posts and telegraph department was happened
a. 1985 b. 1976 c. 1990
Q3 The business performed by telecommunication was transferred to ----------- on
a. VSNL b. BSNL c. P& T department
Q4 The telephones General manager, Telecom stores is included in --------- category
a. Director – General b. Head of department c. Head of Circle
Q5 what is the usage of form LI-37?
a. repayment of loans of PLI b. voucher for any payment c None
Q6 All cheques , Bills etc preferable at a treasury for payment being non-
negotiable instruments can be endorsed only once .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q7 For What purpose the Specimen signature of AD in charge of PLI is circulated to
whole circle concerned?
a. To enable Payment of government Securities at any post office. b. to Limit the
payment of PLI selected offices C. None of these
Q8. What is the purpose of special metallic embossing seal ?
a. Stamping the voucher of final payment of GPF b. Stamping the any type of
payment voucher c. None of these
Q9 . ---------------- is necessary to draw the pay and allowance when a staff transferred from
one place to another.
a. LPC b Pay slip c . Service Book
Q10 The right of government servant to TA including Daily allowance is forfeited or
deemed to have been relinquished within ------------- from the date on which it becomes
a. Six month b. One year c. 18 months
Q11 The government employee must submit his claim within -------- for reimbursement
of the expenditure incurred on the Journey , if the advance has been drawn for availing
a. Three month b. Two month c. One month
Q12 The term over charge and is related with ------------
a. LTC b. Claim of LTC c .Railway fares and freight for calculating claim
Q13 . When a specific approval from Director general for investigation is needed for a
claims to arrears of pay to Government official ?
a. Claims more than six year b. Claims more than one year c. Claims more than two
Q14 The Indian stamp Act
a. 1898 b.1850 c.1899
Q15 In case advance not drawn for LTC , the officials are liable to submit their claim
a. One month b. three month c. One year
Q16 No Government officer may issue duplicates or copies of receipts granted for money
The above said statement is a. true b. false
Q17 In post offices defalcations or losses, should be charged in the schedule of ---------------
and payments and recoveries of losses should be credited in the schedule of ---------------
a. UCP, UCR b UCR, UCP, c. receipts , payments
Q18 When a term serious loss occurring to immovable property of department
a. all loss exceeding Rs 1000/- b. all loss exceeding Rs 5000/- c. all loss exceeding RS
Q19 A register of destruction of records in form ------------should be maintained in each
office and prepared preserved permanently
a. ACG 91 b.ACG 7 c ACG 67
Q20 Charges against two or more major heads should be included in one bill
The above said statement is
a. True b False
IPO Examination - Model Questions part II
Q21 The transaction relating to the business managed by the department on behalf of the
government are included in --------------------
a. Major account heads b. remittance and debt sections of the account c. None of these
Q22 The capital accounts concepts created on the basis the department of Posts are
recognized as ---------------------- department
a. Government b. non commercial department c. Commercial
Q23 The capital accounts of the Posts and Telecommunication departments on a
commercial basis with effect from -----------
a. 01.04.1925 b. 01.01.2000 c.04.05.2002
Q23 P & T Revenue fund was instituted with effect from ----------------
a. 01.04.1925 b. 01.04.1960 c.03.05.1960
Q24 If a government servant from whom a recovery is ordered , is transferred to the
jurisdiction of disbursing officer
a. recovery should be completed before his transfer . b. order of recovery should be
passed on to that disbursing officer c. None of these
Q25 Representations against recovery should be submitted by aggrieved Government
servant within a -------------
a. One Month b. Two month c. Three Month
Q26 The objections statements are prepared by the accounts offices in ---------------
a. Duplicate b. Triplicate c. Single Copy
Q27 The account records against which audit objections are pending should not be
destroyed until final settlement of audit objections
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q28 The second part of audit inspection reports is ------------------------
a. Schedule of Persistent irregularities b. Outstanding objections from previous reports in
c. Introductory
Q29 Audited bills , Vouchers can be resend by audit office after a requisition submitted
through ------- to Circle account office
a. Head of the Division b. Head of the Circle c. Disbursing officer
Q30 Credit challans and pay orders should be treated as -----------------
a. Cheque b. Credit certificate c. None of these
Q31 A cheque drawn on any bank located at the same station as that of the head post office
and accepted at any of its sub offices will also be regarded as-----------
a. Local Cheque b . Outstation Cheque
Q32 Cheque payment of Postage from the holders of Franking machine licenses can be
accepted with bank guarantee.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q33 ACG 28 denotes -----------
a. Register of dishonoured Cheque b. Register of cheques received and cleared c. None
of these
Q34 The transaction is entered in cash book on the basis of ----------
a. Occurrence b. amount c None of these
35 Tr 29 denotes
Q47 The service books of non –gazetted officials on deputation to Army Postal Service
should kept at
a. cash Book b . Contingent register c. HO Summary
a. Office of ADG APS b. Director of Postal Accounts , Nagapur C. Account office of
Q36 From the following allowance , which is exempted from court attachment
a. Basic Pay b all kinds of travelling allowance c. DP .
Parent Department
Q37 Net amount attachable = X-Y-1000/3 then y represent
Q48 The service books should be kept arranged -----------
a. Total Gross emoluments b. net emoluments c. Subsistence Allowance
Q38 The period for which the officer has been declared temporarily unfit should be
a. alphabetically b on the basis of cadre c. None of these
intimated to the ---------------
a. Circle Account office b. Head of the Region c. Head of the Circle
Q49 Preservation period for keeping service Books after death, resigns and discharge
Q39 Withdrawal for claim for travelling allowance of government Servants may be
of employee is -------
allowed even without Surrender of LPC
The above said stamen is
a. 10 years b. 2 Years c. 5 Years
a. True b. False
Q50 The descriptive particulars on the --------- of a government servant’s service book
should be reattested every five year by the supervising officer .
Q40 Arrear of Pay, fixed allowance or leave salary shall be drawn in ----------- Bill
A Separate Bill b. Monthly Bill c. None of these
a. Last Page b. Second Page c. None of these
Q51 Form ACG 20 is denote -----
Q41 Form No C P W A -52 is used for
a. Monthly Bills b. Arrear Bills c . Bonus Bills
A Register of certificate b. Register of Cheque Book c. Register of issued cheque
Q42 The pay and allowance for the Month of March will be paid on the ----------------- of
Q52 The Period of Joining time should be shown separately in absentee Statement
The above said statement is
a. First working day b. Second working day of April c. First working day of April
Q43 If Pay or allowances be due in India to government servant absent outside then
a. True b. False
Government will make arrangement to pay the due amount to him
The above said statement is
Q53 When will prepare monthly absentee statement at Sub office
a. true b. False
Q44 Form No ACG 17 is used to record the payments to ---------------
of Month b. 10th
a. 30th
a. honoraria granted to person not in Government Service b. . honoraria granted to
Q54 From the following document , which is the supporting document for submission
person in Government Service c. none of these
of TA Bills
A45 Claims to honoraria granted to officials of the department should be drawn in the pay
bill form No--------------
a. GAR 14 –C b TA-14 C. GPR-23
a. Form ACG 7 b. form ACG 67 c. ACG No 20
Q55 The outstation allowance is sanctioned for ----------
Q46 ACG 19 is related with
a. Building b. Establishment c. Over Payment
a. all officials b. sorters and mail Guards c. None of these
Q56 Abstract Bill is prepared in form ---------
a. ACG 19 (1) b. ACG 19 c. ACG10
Q57 The undisbursed pay and allowance should be kept in a register
a. ACG 7 b. ACG 67 c. ACG 54
Q58 Acquittance rolls and offices of the bills are not to submitted to the circle office
The above said stamen is
a. True b False
Q1 From ----------- the accounts work relating to the postal branch of the P& T department
was separated from P& T audit
a. 01.04.1977 b.01.04.1976 c. 01.08.1980
Q2 The bifurcation of Posts and telegraph department was happened
a. 1985 b. 1976 c. 1990
Q3 The business performed by telecommunication was transferred to ----------- on
a. VSNL b. BSNL c. P& T department
Q4 The telephones General manager, Telecom stores is included in --------- category
a. Director – General b. Head of department c. Head of Circle
Q5 what is the usage of form LI-37?
a. repayment of loans of PLI b. voucher for any payment c None
Q6 All cheques , Bills etc preferable at a treasury for payment being non-
negotiable instruments can be endorsed only once .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q7 For What purpose the Specimen signature of AD in charge of PLI is circulated to
whole circle concerned?
a. To enable Payment of government Securities at any post office. b. to Limit the
payment of PLI selected offices C. None of these
Q8. What is the purpose of special metallic embossing seal ?
a. Stamping the voucher of final payment of GPF b. Stamping the any type of
payment voucher c. None of these
Q9 . ---------------- is necessary to draw the pay and allowance when a staff transferred from
one place to another.
a. LPC b Pay slip c . Service Book
Q10 The right of government servant to TA including Daily allowance is forfeited or
deemed to have been relinquished within ------------- from the date on which it becomes
a. Six month b. One year c. 18 months
Q11 The government employee must submit his claim within -------- for reimbursement
of the expenditure incurred on the Journey , if the advance has been drawn for availing
a. Three month b. Two month c. One month
Q12 The term over charge and is related with ------------
a. LTC b. Claim of LTC c .Railway fares and freight for calculating claim
Q13 . When a specific approval from Director general for investigation is needed for a
claims to arrears of pay to Government official ?
a. Claims more than six year b. Claims more than one year c. Claims more than two
Q14 The Indian stamp Act
a. 1898 b.1850 c.1899
Q15 In case advance not drawn for LTC , the officials are liable to submit their claim
a. One month b. three month c. One year
Q16 No Government officer may issue duplicates or copies of receipts granted for money
The above said statement is a. true b. false
Q17 In post offices defalcations or losses, should be charged in the schedule of ---------------
and payments and recoveries of losses should be credited in the schedule of ---------------
a. UCP, UCR b UCR, UCP, c. receipts , payments
Q18 When a term serious loss occurring to immovable property of department
a. all loss exceeding Rs 1000/- b. all loss exceeding Rs 5000/- c. all loss exceeding RS
Q19 A register of destruction of records in form ------------should be maintained in each
office and prepared preserved permanently
a. ACG 91 b.ACG 7 c ACG 67
Q20 Charges against two or more major heads should be included in one bill
The above said statement is
a. True b False
IPO Examination - Model Questions part II
Q21 The transaction relating to the business managed by the department on behalf of the
government are included in --------------------
a. Major account heads b. remittance and debt sections of the account c. None of these
Q22 The capital accounts concepts created on the basis the department of Posts are
recognized as ---------------------- department
a. Government b. non commercial department c. Commercial
Q23 The capital accounts of the Posts and Telecommunication departments on a
commercial basis with effect from -----------
a. 01.04.1925 b. 01.01.2000 c.04.05.2002
Q23 P & T Revenue fund was instituted with effect from ----------------
a. 01.04.1925 b. 01.04.1960 c.03.05.1960
Q24 If a government servant from whom a recovery is ordered , is transferred to the
jurisdiction of disbursing officer
a. recovery should be completed before his transfer . b. order of recovery should be
passed on to that disbursing officer c. None of these
Q25 Representations against recovery should be submitted by aggrieved Government
servant within a -------------
a. One Month b. Two month c. Three Month
Q26 The objections statements are prepared by the accounts offices in ---------------
a. Duplicate b. Triplicate c. Single Copy
Q27 The account records against which audit objections are pending should not be
destroyed until final settlement of audit objections
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q28 The second part of audit inspection reports is ------------------------
a. Schedule of Persistent irregularities b. Outstanding objections from previous reports in
c. Introductory
Q29 Audited bills , Vouchers can be resend by audit office after a requisition submitted
through ------- to Circle account office
a. Head of the Division b. Head of the Circle c. Disbursing officer
Q30 Credit challans and pay orders should be treated as -----------------
a. Cheque b. Credit certificate c. None of these
Q31 A cheque drawn on any bank located at the same station as that of the head post office
and accepted at any of its sub offices will also be regarded as-----------
a. Local Cheque b . Outstation Cheque
Q32 Cheque payment of Postage from the holders of Franking machine licenses can be
accepted with bank guarantee.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q33 ACG 28 denotes -----------
a. Register of dishonoured Cheque b. Register of cheques received and cleared c. None
of these
Q34 The transaction is entered in cash book on the basis of ----------
a. Occurrence b. amount c None of these
35 Tr 29 denotes
Q47 The service books of non –gazetted officials on deputation to Army Postal Service
should kept at
a. cash Book b . Contingent register c. HO Summary
a. Office of ADG APS b. Director of Postal Accounts , Nagapur C. Account office of
Q36 From the following allowance , which is exempted from court attachment
a. Basic Pay b all kinds of travelling allowance c. DP .
Parent Department
Q37 Net amount attachable = X-Y-1000/3 then y represent
Q48 The service books should be kept arranged -----------
a. Total Gross emoluments b. net emoluments c. Subsistence Allowance
Q38 The period for which the officer has been declared temporarily unfit should be
a. alphabetically b on the basis of cadre c. None of these
intimated to the ---------------
a. Circle Account office b. Head of the Region c. Head of the Circle
Q49 Preservation period for keeping service Books after death, resigns and discharge
Q39 Withdrawal for claim for travelling allowance of government Servants may be
of employee is -------
allowed even without Surrender of LPC
The above said stamen is
a. 10 years b. 2 Years c. 5 Years
a. True b. False
Q50 The descriptive particulars on the --------- of a government servant’s service book
should be reattested every five year by the supervising officer .
Q40 Arrear of Pay, fixed allowance or leave salary shall be drawn in ----------- Bill
A Separate Bill b. Monthly Bill c. None of these
a. Last Page b. Second Page c. None of these
Q51 Form ACG 20 is denote -----
Q41 Form No C P W A -52 is used for
a. Monthly Bills b. Arrear Bills c . Bonus Bills
A Register of certificate b. Register of Cheque Book c. Register of issued cheque
Q42 The pay and allowance for the Month of March will be paid on the ----------------- of
Q52 The Period of Joining time should be shown separately in absentee Statement
The above said statement is
a. First working day b. Second working day of April c. First working day of April
Q43 If Pay or allowances be due in India to government servant absent outside then
a. True b. False
Government will make arrangement to pay the due amount to him
The above said statement is
Q53 When will prepare monthly absentee statement at Sub office
a. true b. False
Q44 Form No ACG 17 is used to record the payments to ---------------
of Month b. 10th
a. 30th
a. honoraria granted to person not in Government Service b. . honoraria granted to
Q54 From the following document , which is the supporting document for submission
person in Government Service c. none of these
of TA Bills
A45 Claims to honoraria granted to officials of the department should be drawn in the pay
bill form No--------------
a. GAR 14 –C b TA-14 C. GPR-23
a. Form ACG 7 b. form ACG 67 c. ACG No 20
Q55 The outstation allowance is sanctioned for ----------
Q46 ACG 19 is related with
a. Building b. Establishment c. Over Payment
a. all officials b. sorters and mail Guards c. None of these
Q56 Abstract Bill is prepared in form ---------
a. ACG 19 (1) b. ACG 19 c. ACG10
Q57 The undisbursed pay and allowance should be kept in a register
a. ACG 7 b. ACG 67 c. ACG 54
Q58 Acquittance rolls and offices of the bills are not to submitted to the circle office
The above said stamen is
a. True b False
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